Graham Hughes
101 McLellan Dr. #1027
South San Francisco, CA 94080 USA
Contact information
Telephone: 805-689-1451 (cell)


I live to make things; our highest calling as information workers is the easing of others' labors by removing the picayune details they struggle with. I have extensive experience with Go, C, C++, Java, Python, Common Lisp, Ruby, and JavaScript. I'm fascinated by programming languages and possess a broad base of experience and interests at least as broad, including typography, book binding and woodworking.


B.A. Computer Science and Mathematics
University of California, Santa Barbara
Ph.D. Computer Science
University of California, Santa Barbara

Professional Experience

Software Engineer
Meteor Development Group, San Francisco, CA
20152016 Maintained DDP, Meteor's RPC-over-websocket layer. Designed and implemented a distributed benchmark/stress test for Meteor applications. After that was declared code complete I supported and debugged some of the knottier problems for Galaxy, the company's SASS platform prior to and following the product launch. Worked primarily in Go and JavaScript.
Software Engineer
Hexagram 49, Inc. (aka RethinkDB), Mountain View, CA
20142015 Software developer working on the RethinkDB database, a mature C++11 application. My primary responsibilities concerned the query language / database interface; however I investigated and improved many other areas including performance, parallelization of the database drivers, and numerical corner cases in the geographic query system. Substantial projects which I implemented include integrating RethinkDB's Python driver with the Tornado asynchronous framework, improving the database's Unicode safety, an update checker, and user specified memory limitations.
Senior Operations Systems Administrator
Citrix Online, LLC, Goleta, CA
20122014 Systems administrator maintaining fleet of thousands of systems, mixed hardware, XenServer VMs, cloud VMs, mostly through Puppet. Built sophisticated SAN monitoring software, discerned and documented appropriate techniques for setting up CloudStack installations and XenServer VMs. Worked extensively to bring modern design methodologies and modern version control technology to legacy codebases. Wrote numerous system tools to ease upgrade paths and automate repetitive tasks. Extensive Puppet experience.
Software Developer
RightScale, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA
20102011 Software developer focusing on backend work of complex Ruby/MySQL/AMQP application managing cloud instances. Developed very reliable caching servers that became critical infrastructure for resources in the cloud. Improved legacy codebases, adding extensive testing and use of modern design methodologies. Extensive Ruby and Rails experience.
Application Programmer
Acelot, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA
20082010 Research scientist and lead developer. My responsibilities included grant writing, software design and development, and algorithm research focused on applying graphs to chemical data. Increased capacity of graph database by 100-fold. Performed extensive statistical analysis of graphical data.
Graduate Student
University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
20012008 Continuing education, with a focus on work in software verification and modeling.